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3 Courses

Certified Nursing Assistant Training
Health Care for Professionals
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Health Care for Professionals

Certified Nursing Assistant Training

Certified Nursing Assistant Training is targetted to aspiring nurses as well as serves as a refresher material. This course has a complete reference to the guidelines as well as do’s and don'ts of Certified Nursing Assistant program.

Closing The Communication Gap
Health Care for Professionals
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Health Care for Professionals

Closing The Communication Gap

This scenario-based course clearly identifies the difficulties that healthcare professionals face every day when they have to make a combined decision in a situation. As the professionals come from various skillset, bridging the gap in communication is a huge hurdle. This course focusses on honing communication skills and delving emotional intelligence for professionals.

Stroke Management - Secondary Prevention
Health Care for Professionals
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Health Care for Professionals

Stroke Management - Secondary Prevention

Stroke Management is a handy training material for intermediate level Healthcare profesionals. This course teaches to assess patient's risk of a stroke after a transietnt ischaemic attack (TIA).